OoH & Print


The rules in this section are only basics and ensure the correct handling of the brand elements. Further rules and structure for individual campaigns are subject to the creative agency and service providers and are based on specific requirements. The examples shown in the overview are for illustrative purposes and do not constitute a campaign.


All formats have a simple basic grid, which can be extended and changed as required. For formats outside the DIN standard, we recommend using the grid of the closest DIN format.

A5-A3 13 Columns
OoH (Citylight)9 Columns
OoH (18/1)12 Columns


The size of the logo is calculated using a formula. This calculation serves as a guide. The size of the logo can still be adjusted optically depending on the close-up and long-distance effect. In this context,the protection zone must always be considered.

Logo Size formula:

Formats width (FW) / Column count
= X
X = 1,5 = Logo height (LH)


The rules and recommendations of the style guide apply to the font. The font sizes can be determined individually depending on the purpose, campaign idea and long-distance effect. Legal texts should notfall below a font size of 6 pt.

Further information and rules can be found in the chapter Brand Design Elements – Typography

Grid Construction

Grid Construction for ads & print

Grid construction

Page format width (FW)
divided into 13 columns,
= 1 logo width (LW)

(FW) = format width
(LW) = logo width
(LH) = logo height

Distance from right border:
1 (LW)

Distance from page bottom:
1 (LW)

Feel free to set up the Layout on your own. Please use at least four columns to set the brand slogan.

Grid construction for citylights (CLP) 

Logo size formula

Formats width (FW) / 9
= X
X = 1,5 = Logo height (LH) 

(FW) = format width
(LW) = logo width
(LH) = logo height

Distance from right border:
1 (LW)

Distance from page bottom:
1 (LW)

Grid construction for OoH (18/1)

Logo size formula

Formats width (FW) / 12
= X
X = 1,5 = Logo height (LH) 

(FW) = format width
(LW) = logo width
(LH) = logo height 

Distance from right border:
1 (LW)

Distance from page bottom:
1 (LW)