

Icons and pictograms are brand elements that characterize and compliment the general appearance of the brand and add guidance and understanding for our customers.

Design & construction

All icons must be self-explanatory, usable in minimal sizes and should follow the formal guidelines. The icons shown serve as a direction for new to be developed icon sets. Further brand elements and informative icons can be found in the chapter UI elements. 

Square basic grid

Optional Image Caption

Circle-based grid

Based on 128px × 128px.

Optional Image Caption

for basic shapes and construction.

Icon without grid

based on geometric lines and shapes.


Key lines keep the icon compact and consistent.


Less illustrative, more symbolic helps the visibility and support usage for the digital interface, UX design.


Keep it simple. More solid, positive surface than negative. Subtle rounded corner accent for more agile look. Small cut out gap as used in the logo.


The icons are available in two versions. Positive and negative. In both versions the signature color can be used to create a more striking variant. Alternatively the smart silver can be used as accentuating color. No further color variations are allowed. The icons are only to be used on either white or black background, always considering the best possible legibility and contrast.

Icons positive

Icons negative

Icons for Informative and social media

There are three types of areas where different icons are used: information, communication and social media. Informative icons are designed to help the user navigate more intuitively within digital applications and easily recognize relevant information. The social media icons are used in an informative context to refer and link to the social media platforms. 


Icons must have a minimum size of 24px. Due to fluid websites and responsive design, further scaling is infinite and without restrictions.

Minimum size

Icons have a minimum size of 24px.

Social Media

Icons that refer to social networks always have a minimum height of 56px.


Icons must have a minimum size of 24px. Due to fluid websites and responsive design, further scaling is infinite and without restrictions.

Minimum size

Icons have a minimum size of 24px.

Icons for Communication

Icons used for communication on the subject of cars are intended to visually support services, benefits or product features. The signature color is used to create a visual connection to the buttons and to clearly differentiate from the functional icons with the two colors.


Icons must have a minimum size of 64px. Due to fluid websites and responsive design, further scaling is infinite and without restrictions.


The following basic rules should be considered when handling the icons:

  • Icons must not be used in the accent colors 
  • When placing on images, consider sufficient contrast and legibility
  • No placement on accent colors or color areas 
  • No use in combination with buttons
  • No drop shadows
  • No distorting or deforming

Examples in Use