Office Applications


General Rules and Structure

PowerPoint is used to present information in a visually easy-to-understand, exciting and targeted way. To ensure a uniform brand presence and recognition, the PowerPoint template is always used. This already contains prefabricated slides and rules. These are based on the corporate design. All elements that can be edited in the template are marked and clearly labelled.

PowerPoint template

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Basic Rules

At a glance, the most important rules for working with the PowerPoint template

  • The template must not be deleted or changed
  • The template is the basis - Old templates are no longer valid and must be replaced
  • The same basic rules apply in the use and handling of the brand elements as laid down in the corporate design
  • Do not open the template in other applications than PowerPoint
  • No removal or addition of components should be made in the template


The template contains various design variants and slides on the following topics.

  • Cover page
  • Agenda
  • Break page / Next chapter 
  • Content page
  • Infographics
  • End chart


Exemplary layout to be updated soon.